Using Testimonials and Reviews In Your Marketing

Using Testimonials and Reviews In Your Marketing is critical to your business. Customer testimonials are an invaluable marketing tool, especially when starting your business. Testimonials make sure to instill confidence in prospective buyers and lend credibility to your offering.

Even if you’re just starting out, here’s how you can build an impressive list of testimonials to promote your business.

Are there no customers yet? That’s OK. Try returning to previous business associates and asking them for a personal testimonial. If their experience with you was good, they’ll likely want to assist you in your new pursuit.

Another good method for newbies—the ethical bribe. Offer your product or service for free, then solicit their feedback.

Once your business is rolling, it’s crucial to make testimonial gathering a continuous part of your customer service process. The voice of your customers is invaluable. When you receive emails with positive feedback, immediately request to use it as a testimonial. If you receive good remarks over the phone, write them up and send them to the customer asking their permission to use their words.

Here are a few rules to keep in mind:

Always prioritize the ethical approach in your marketing. Get the permission of the person whom you are quoting to prevent any legal troubles. This way, you maintain the trust and respect of your customers.

Rather than asking for a testimonial from the customer, write one for them and ask them to approve it. If you do the work, you’ll get more testimonials. Your customer can always make changes to the text you provide.

If you’re selling a B2B product or service, providing the company name and title of the person giving the testimonial will give it a greater impact.