The Keys to Happiness

Does anyone possess the keys to happiness? A lot of us live fulfilling and happy lives, but what makes them so? Happiness is defined as cheerful, willing and fortunate. Those may be the keys to happiness right there!

If you are cheerful you probably see the positive in any situation. This is definitely a key to being happy. If you are willing, you likely help others and this is a key to happiness. Of course, if you view yourself as fortunate, you have a positive attitude and that definitely unlocks happiness. All three characteristics can be labeled as the keys to happiness, but it does boil down to a positive attitude.

Other keys to happiness may be tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness. Learning to tolerate the differences in others can be rewarding and help you build a happy life. Accepting the challenges you will face certainly helps you achieve happiness and forgiving what other have done to you and what you have done, can be freeing and help you ‘get happy”

Probably the main key to happiness is choosing to be happy. We have all heard of the man or woman who is confined to a wheelchair, seemingly down on their luck but remains exceedingly happy. That is someone who chooses to be happy. In spite of all the sadness and trouble in the world today, you can still choose to be happy.

Happiness does not really need a key. It needs constant attention, motivation and most of all; happiness needs to be the first choice you make every day.