There is now a talent agency for Internet-famous dogs

BY GEOFF WEISS Just as talent managers entered the digital space to guide the careers of influencers who unwittinglyrose to celebrity out of their bedrooms, a similar movement is apparently happening among their canine counterparts. The Dog Agency,reports theWall Street Journal, is one of the first talent management agency for influencer petsmany of which have hundreds of thousands of followers across social media and high-profile marketers clamoring to collaborate. The Dog Agency was founded by …

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Using Testimonials and Reviews In Your Marketing

Using Testimonials and Reviews In Your Marketing is critical to your business. Customer testimonials are an invaluable marketing tool, especially when starting your business. Testimonials make sure to instill confidence in prospective buyers and lend credibility to your offering. Even if you’re just starting out, here’s how you can build an impressive list of testimonials to promote your business. Are there no customers yet? That’s OK. Try returning to previous business associates and asking them …

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5 ways inclusive marketing can benefit your business

Inclusive marketing is a technique that consumers may not be able to pinpoint, but for many businesses, it’s the secret ingredient behind creating ads that set out to empower people and create confidence amongst consumers. Inclusive marketing is marketing that doesn’t specifically target one demographic nor does it rely on the traditional stereotypes we set up amongst ourselves and with other people On the other side of the coin, not all brands utilize inclusive marketing …

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