Is Your 2024 Marketing Plan Ready?

As 2023 is in its final week, I’d like to ask you if your 2024 marketing plan is ready. Those who own small businesses or provide professional services are undoubtedly swamped. The year-end accounting scramble and preparing for the festive season can quickly push some tasks down the to-do list. One such task that may have slipped your attention is formulating your 2024 marketing strategy. You might be wondering why you should contemplate 2024 while …

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Wise Words of Failure

So failing sucks.  That’s usually your first thought after something you have worked on crashes and burns. Whether it be trying to get a new client, run a marketing campaign or produce an event, failing sucks. However many lessons are learned (painfully and the hard way) that can help you make better decisions in the future. Some of the greatest thinkers of all time can teach us the most important lessons. “Anyone who has never …

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Marketing Consultant Near Me – Looking For One To Help Your Business?

The importance of typing “marketing consultant near me” in your search engine as a critical stepping stone towards business expansion cannot be overstated in today’s digital world. Business owners, from small enterprises to large corporations, increasingly rely on Internet searches to address their most urgent needs, with “marketing consultant near me” being a common search term. Have you ever taken a moment to contemplate the significance of this particular phrase? It is not just a …

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Boost Your Dental Practice: Why Dentists Should Embrace Google Local Service Ads

While the headline is intended to reach the dental practice, if you are a health care provider, Google Local Service Ads have opened up to your industry as well. Professional service firms have been using Google Local Service Ads for years. I have created a list of pros and cons on using Google Local Service Ads. But first… An Introduction: In today’s digital age, online visibility is crucial for businesses to thrive. Dentists, in particular, …

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‘Within You, There Is A Stillness And A Sanctuary To Which You Can Retreat At Any Time’

As most of you know, psychology plays a huge part in marketing. It also affects our daily lives. I read the quote in the title and really began to think about it and what I could do for myself to help me find peace and calm when necessary. I did some research and was able to combine the following ideas to bring a little peace and calm to my life as well as yours, if …

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The Crucial Role of Objectives and Key Performance Indicators in Your Marketing Strategy

The world of marketing is in a state of constant flux, which makes a comprehensive plan an indispensable tool for any marketer or business owner. At the heart of this plan lie the goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), which serve as critical tools to gauge success. Let’s delve into why these elements are crucial in formulating a successful marketing strategy. Appreciating the Importance of Objectives Objectives form the bedrock of any marketing strategy. They …

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Understanding Your Market – The Cornerstone of Your Marketing Strategy

In the fast-paced world of business today, it’s not just about offering an excellent product or service. It’s also about fully grasping the market you operate in and formulating a strategy that strikes a chord with your intended consumers. A comprehensive analysis of the market acts as the groundwork of your marketing plan, allowing you to make strategic decisions and optimally allocate resources. It provides valuable insights into your target market, competitive environment, and industry …

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