5 ways inclusive marketing can benefit your business

Inclusive marketing is a technique that consumers may not be able to pinpoint, but for many businesses, it’s the secret ingredient behind creating ads that set out to empower people and create confidence amongst consumers.

On the other side of the coin, not all brands utilize inclusive marketing correctly. There have been a handful of brands over the past several months who have tried to take a stab at inclusive marketing, but to their dismay, their message was not received by the masses in the way they had hoped (looking at you, Pepsi). However, when executed correctly, inclusive marketing has the potential to make serious impacts for any business of any size.

Nigel Barker, internationally renowned photographer whos been highly esteemed for his 17 seasons as photographer and judge on the hit TV show Americas Next Top Model, has spent majority of his career working on marketing campaigns and advertisements for a plethora major fashion, makeup, and beauty labels. So who better than Baker to help break down the ins and outs of inclusive marketing?

Nigel stopped by #BizChats, Mashable’s business show, to share with us the five simple ways any business or brand can appeal to a more diverse audience in an authentic way.

1. Use philanthropy, there is a charity for everyone

Barker says: “The most important thing is to think about a cause what’s most important to you.” Baker shares his experience with working on a Nine West campaign with a social target on breast cancer. Using the technology of FitBits, they tracked every step that was taken by models. The advertising campaigned garnered more than one billion views within a month.

2. Be social, throw parties to bring people together.

Barker says: “As a company, it isn’t’ just the advertising campaigns, it’s about being with the people and bringing them together. It’s the unconventional, yet important side of marketing and opportunity for people to be in a community.”

3. Use health and fitness as a common ground

Barker says: “Working out with people is a new great way to break down boundaries, market your personality to other people, and work together.”

4. Music is one of the best ways to bring people together

Barker says: “Music is probably the number one way to touch someone. It’s nostalgic, it speaks to both the past and the future. The sounds resonate with in ways that are special.”

5. Humor is a powerful way to disarm people and help them see your point

Barker says: “[Humor] is probably one of the most powerful tools we have. One of the most important things in life is having a giggle. We don’t do it often enough. Having a sense of humor and being able to poke fun at yourself is important.”

Missed the show? Don’t worry! Re-watch the episode in the video above.

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Read more: http://mashable.com/2017/04/21/niglel-barker-bizchats/